As behavioral health patients are often very vulnerable when seeking services, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that the services provided respect the patient and that they follow best or evidence-based practices.
Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, this is sometimes not the case. The information below has been provided to help you report sub-quality or inappropriate care to the appropriate authorities.
Complaints against agencies: In the instance of poor service provision on the part of a behavioral health agency, you may file a complaint with the DHHS Division of Health Care Quality and Compliance (HCQC). You may access the complaint form by clicking here: https://dpbh.nv.gov/Reg/HealthFacilities/dta/Complaints/HCQC-Complaint-Form/
Complaints against individual providers: Sometimes individual providers, either in private practice or as a part of an agency, may deliver sub-quality services. In these cases, complaints may be submitted to the provider’s licensing board. The licensing boards take quality of care very seriously and spend a great deal of time and effort in the investigation and review of complaints against providers. The licensing boards’ respective complaint forms and processes are listed below according to provider type.
Psychologists: Board of Psychological Examiners, https://psyexam.nv.gov/Forms/Complaints/
Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT or LMFT): Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors, https://marriage.nv.gov/Board/Complaint_Process/
Clinical Professional Counselors (CPC or LPC): Board of Examiners for Marriage and Family Therapists & Clinical Professional Counselors, https://marriage.nv.gov/Board/Complaint_Process/
Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs), and other Licensed Social Workers (LSW or LMSW): Board of Examiners for Social Workers, https://socwork.nv.gov/consumers/complaints/
Licensed Clinical Drug & Alcohol Counselors (CDAC), Drug & Alcohol Counselors (LDAC), Gambling Counselors (LGC), and Native American Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NACADC): Board of Examiners for Alcohol, Drug, and Gambling Counselors, https://nvadgc.us.thentiacloud.net/webs/nvadgc/register/#/complaint-form
If you have questions regarding the status of any complaint filed, we recommend you first reach out directly to the body with whom you filed the complaint to receive updated information regarding the status and/or disposition of your complaint.