The resources listed below are meant to assist community residents, providers, and partners in identifying programs and services that can address their behavioral health needs.
Use the different filtering options below to narrow the list to the specific resources that you are searching for. Because mental health issues for our YOUTH often have parents wondering where to start, we are highlighting a very helpful guides below:
Regional Behavioral health resources
A Safe Embrace
Safe Embrace provides compassionate and trauma-informed services to individuals suffering from current or past domestic abuse, sexual violence and/or human trafficking. We also facilitate educational programs and work to increase public awareness about these issues. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, ability/disability, national origin, language, occupation, or status. If you are suffering from domestic abuse, sexual violence or human trafficking, please call our 24-hour helpline at 775-322-3466.

ABC Therapy – Henderson, Las Vegas, Pahrump

Counseling Services
- Licensed/Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselors
- Certified Domestic Violence Counselors
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Clinical Professional Counselors
- Certified DOT/SAP Counselors
- DUI/Traffic School Instructor

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

What is A.A.? Alcoholics Anonymous is a voluntary, worldwide fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together to attain and maintain sobriety. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership.
Please do not hesitate to call our 24/7 hotline for help in finding meetings in the Las Vegas valley.

Amber Creek Counseling and Recovery Services
Provides individual, couples and family counseling including alcohol and drug issues, anxiety and stress, conflict resolution, anger and depression, domestic violence and sexual abuse, grief and loss. Also provides EMDR for trauma therapy and recovery.

American Comprehensive Counseling Services
ACCS offers a broad array of professional counseling, psychotherapy and assessment services for individuals, couples, and families. We specialize in relationship and family difficulties brought on by employment struggles, anger, intimacy, and sex and/or addiction.

Battle Born Housing
Residents are enrolled in a program that offers housing and associated wrap-around services including case management, substance abuse counseling, onsite drug and alcohol testing, behavioral health support, employment support/work opportunities, and other tools to help each resident establish a new, more productive path in life. Residents work with a care coordinator to determine an individualized support plan that includes onsite drug and alcohol testing, individual and small group substance use and behavioral health counseling, connection with the onsite peer-to-peer support network, and employment support. Battle Born Housing Plus has a 44 bed congregate living space with rooms that accommodate either two or three individuals along with shared kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry facilities. The property also houses 28 next-step, low-income studio apartments. Residents of Battle Born Housing Plus are surrounded by a live-in network that aims to help them establish healthy relationships, a sense of community, and improved life, and social skills.
Boys and Girls Club
Bridge Counseling

We are here for you.
Bridge Counseling is dedicated to providing services to help people build effective lives.
CARE Team – Rural Clinics Immediate Mental Health
Telephone triage open 24/7. Clinicians available 9am - 6pm, seven days per week. Will provide follow-up.
Carson City FASTT Jail Reentry Team
- FASTT (Forensic Assessment Services Triage Team) is a multidisciplinary case management team that provides screening and service plan development for mental health, substance use, and basic need.
- Participating agencies on Carson FASTT include DPBH Rural Clinics Carson City, Carson City Health and Human Services, Community Counseling Center, and Ron Wood Family Resource Center

Statewide Behavioral health resources
Alzheimer’s Association
24/7 Helpline allows people living with Alzheimer's disease or dementia, caregivers, families, and the public to:
- Speak confidential with master's level care consultants for decision- making support, crisis assistance and education on issues families face every day.
- Learn about the signs of Alzheimer's and other dementias.
- Get general information about medications and other treatment options, and legal, financial, and care decisions.
- Find out about local programs and services
- Receive help in preferred language.
Children’s Mobile Crisis Response Team
If your child is experiencing a mental or behavioral crisis contact the Nevada Division of Child and Family Services Children’s Mobile Crisis Response Team. More information also can be found at their website. In Southern Nevada contact (702) 486-7865, Monday – Sunday - 24 hours.
Crisis Support Services of Nevada

MTM- Behavioral Health Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- MTM is the state of Nevada’s non-emergency transportation manager for eligible Medicaid members across the state.
- Provides transport for medical appointment covered by Medicaid, pre-arranged hospital to hospital transports for legal holds, and hospital discharges home.
- For medical appointments, please schedule 5 days in advance
- For facility transfers or discharges, transports can be arranged same day or within 24 hours if travel is out of the service area. Nevada NEMT Brochure- English 2021
NAMI Warmline
The Nevada Warmline is a non-crisis, peer support line. Peer Wellness Operators support individuals impacted by mental health concerns through a shared lived experience. The Nevada Warmline's hours of operation are 8 am to 10 pm Monday through Friday and 8 am to 9 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Call 775-241-4212 to speak to a Peer Wellness Operator.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

National crisis line provides support 24/7 365 days a year for individuals of all ages in any type of crisis.

Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention

The Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention (NCSP) is a statewide coalition dedicated to suicide prevention efforts and made possible through our members in the mental and physical health professions, the business community, survivors, advocates, and other supporters. Our goal is to increase community knowledge and support of suicide prevention through public awareness and education, to help save precious lives. The Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to partnering and collaborating with local and state individuals and organizations for the development and implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies and programs in the State of Nevada.
The Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention was formed in 2005 by a small group of committed Nevadans whose goal was, and remains, to address the significant problem of suicide in Nevada. From these humble beginnings, NCSP has grown to include public and private representation from across the state, and now offers internationally recognized training and annual awareness and healing events.
Safe Voice

Statewide anonymous reporting system used to report safety to the wellbeing of youth and students for issues including bullying, suicide, and self-harm. Available 24/7 365 days a year