What Are the Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards?
Nevada is divided into five distinct behavioral health regions that are overseen by Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards. These boards, composed of community leaders, law enforcement, healthcare and treatment providers, social services, family and peer advocates, and others, bring diverse perspectives to the table, and facilitate collaboration focused on improving the behavioral health system in Nevada. A primary goal of the Regional Behavioral Health Policy Boards is to enable stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of the behavioral health issues facing each region, allowing for more effective planning and resource distribution across the state. Each Board is supported by a Regional Behavioral Health Coordinator position, funded through federal block grants and positioned with a county or community agency depending on the region.
The purpose of this website is to provide information to community members, providers, and policymakers about:
- Regional behavioral health initiatives, issues, and priorities
- Regional and statewide behavioral health data
- Statewide behavioral health policies, initiatives, and legislation
- Community resources within the regions
- Useful links to statewide programs and resources
Click this link to access Policy Board Meetings
Click to select Behavioral Health Region

Health Region
Health Region
Health Region
Health Region
Health Region
march, 2025